Submit Your Blog Sitemap In Google Webmaster Tools

Blogging is good way to share our thoughts and publicize that thoughts easily, but when our website or blog is submitted then our blog is search by the search engine otherwise our blog take very low priority in search engine. So submit the URL to Google, then also you need to submit your Blog Sitemap to Google Search Engine by the Google Webmaster Tools.

Submit Sitemap of Your Blog to Google :

When you have using the Blogger platform for your blog then that article is important for you. Here we have discuss about the Sitemap and how to submit Sitemap to Google, so follow some steps are :

  • Open the Google Webmaster Tools and signing to account
  • After that you see the listed websites and blog in the Google Webmaster Tools (which you have added otherwise you have seen your website/blog only), so click on your Website/Blog

  • Then you see the "Sitemap" option so click on it
  • Then click on the "ADD/TEST SITEMAP" option

  • And Enter 
following : atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

but it's only for the 500 Post 

When you have done the above 500+ Post then you need to submit 

following : atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=1000

  • Then click on the "Submit Sitemap" 
  • Then Refresh the Page, so you will see the Sitemap of your Blog.


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