Add your website or blog URL in the Google Webmaster Tools

Google Search Engine is essential tool for Searching anything in the Internet, so when we have made any website or blog then we have need to submit our Website URL to Google Search Engine. And also when you have known the Webmaster Tools of the Google then very good, otherwise see this article and know about the Webmaster Tools Of Google.

Google Webmaster Tools :

Google Webmaster Tools are very important because by Webmaster Tools our website submitted to Google Search Engine and we have started the getting visitors.

How to Submit Website URL to Google Webmaster Tools :

1. If you have the Gmail Account then OK otherwise Sign Up in the Gmail and make the Gmail ID.

2. After that open the following 

3. And signing to Account

4. After that click on the "ADD A SITE" option and 

5. After that Enter Your Website/Blog URL and Click on the Continue Button. 

6. After that You see the Setting Icon in the Upper Side so click on it and choose the "Verification Details", if you website is verified then OK, otherwise you need to verified your website.
so click on the "Verify using a different methods" option.

then you see the Many method for verification of Website URL :

  • HTML Tag
  • HTML File Uploading
  • Google Analytic 
  • Many Other Methods
So use anyone which are compatible with your website or Blog. and verified your website URL or Blog URL.


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