FCI JE, Assistant Grade 3 Question Paper 1 with Answer (GK Section)

1. The hair of shaving brush clings together when removed from water due to:

A. Surface tension
B. Viscosity
C. Elasticity
D. Friction

A. Surface tension

2. The most abundant gas emitted from Volcanoes is:

A. Water vapour
B. Helium
C. Sulphur Dioxide
D. Carbon Doxide

A. Water Vapour

3. Which one among the following rivers does not flow into Bay of Bengal:

A. Mahanadi
B. Cauvery
C. Tapti
D. Godavari

C. Tapti

4. When we consider 15 Degree meridian on a world map or globe and count them in an eastward direction starting with Greenwich meridian (0 Degree), we find that the time of this meridian is:

A. Same as Greenwich
B. 1 Hour Fast
C. 1 Hour Slow
D. 12 Hour Fast

B. 1 Hour Fast

5. MICR stands for:

A. Magnetic input character reader
B. Magnetic ink character reader
C. Medium ink character reader
D. Medium input character reader

B. Magnetic ink character reader

6. Any file in which insertion of new records or deletion of old records occurs at a high rate is referred to as:

A. Volatile file
B. A sequential file
C. A random access file
D. None of the above

A. Volatile file

7. Conceptually, the circuitry of a central processing unit (CPU) can be subdivided into two major sub-units. Which one of the following units would perform the required arithmetic and comparison operations:

B. Control unit
C. RAID unit
D. Fuzzy logic unit


8. Which vitamin is called Alpha-tecopherol:

A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin E

9. Yakshagan is the famous dance form of the State of:

A. Odisha
B. Karkartake
C. Assam
D. Kerala

B. Karkartake

10. Protein deficiency disease is known as:

A. Kwashiorkar
B. Cushing's disease
C. Gaucher's disease
D. None of the above

A. Kwashiorkar

11. This is the ratio of a bank's capital to its risk, expressed as a percentage of a bank's risk weighted credit exposures:



List of current Governor of India

12. Youngest in the world who set a world recrod by swimming in 1 Degree Centigrade temperature at Antarctic Ocean:

A. Lewis Pugh
B. Lynne Cox
C. Charu Sharma
D. Bhakti Sharma

D. Bhakti Sharma

13. Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?

A. Ctrl + Alt + Del
B. Ctrl + Alt + Tab
C. Ctrl + Shift + Del
D. Ctrl + Alt + Shift

A. Ctrl + Alt + Del

14. What is the extension used for batch files:

A. .obj
B. .dat
C. .bas
D. .bat

D. .bat

15. A shift register is a:

A. Random-access memory
B. Sequential accessed memory
C. Read-only memory
D. Content-addressable memory

16. Remote Sensing Satellite Yaogan-23 was launched by?

A. France
B. South Korea
C. Japan
D. China

D. China

17. The tide produced in an ocean when the pull on the Earth by the Sun and Moon is unidirectional is called:

A. High tide
B. Spring tide
C. Neap tide
D. Low tide

B. Spring tide

18. Shigmo is one of the prominent festival of the:

A. Tamil Community
B. Santhali Community
C. Konkani Hindu Community
D. Muslim Community

C. Konkani Hindu Community

19. The first battle of Tarain was fought between:

A. Mohammad Gori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan
B. Akbar and Hemu
C. Mahmud of Ghazni and Prithvi Raj Chauhan
D. Akbar and Rana Pratap

A. Mohammad Gori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan

20. In case of reflection it is well known that when a mirror turned through an angle the reflected ray turns through:

A. Same angle
B. Twice the angle
C. Thrice the angle
D. Half the angle
{this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0].style.display = '';this.value = 'Hide Answer';}else{this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'ANSWER IS';}" type="button" value="ANSWER IS" />
B. Twice the angle

RRB JE (Junior Engineer Paper 14/12/2014)

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